Thursday, March 9, 2017

Mormon 3

Verses 1-3: Cry Unto This People
Mormon is commanded to offer the people one more chance to be spared. His cry is vain 😔.

What does this teach me about the atonement?
That the Savior is full of love and wants us to know He is waiting to save us through His atoning power. Why not save everyone? Because we can't have our greatest joy without freedom, but we can't be happy with people like these who use their freedom to hurt and destroy each other. He does all He can for us, no matter what our past sins.

Lesson for me?
*Repent, help build up the church and teach your children of the Lord's mercy.

Verses 4-16: Battles and Blasphemy
The Nephites blaspheme against God and attribute their great battle victory to themselves. Mormon refuses to lead them.

How does this relate to the atonement?
The Savior provides His atoning power only to those who want it, those who recognize a power greater than themselves. He can help us be like Him, but we have to be on board.

Lesson for me?
*I have the same tendency to "boast in my own strength" when things are going well for me and forget just how blessed I am. Still that private desire to be "better than". When I do that, I just might be blocking other blessings that could be coming my way!

Verses 17-22: I Write Unto YOU

What does this teach me about the atonement?
The Savior uses His witnesses, those who perceive His power, to spread His message and further His saving work. His atonement makes apprentices of any who will align with Him. That's the power that changes us. And this is Mormon's position in writing this. He lets us know we'll all be judged by Christ's apprentices, so to speak, in a coming day. I imagine that the experience of "judgment" will be an honest encounter with Christ and/or His servant, in which we simply feel, know and acknowledge whether we are in loving alliance with Christ and desirous to be part of His community, or we are not.
He writes specifically, in verse 21, of an intention to let the Lord's ancient covenant people know that their God is He whom they put to death. Why is that? He wants them to be humble, to repent and be forgiven- to see their misunderstanding- to know that their spiritual deliverer was with them all along, and to finally let Him save them. That's what the atonement was all about- a much dearer and more far-reaching act than the temporary overthrow, sought by the people, of an oppressive earthly regime.

Lesson for me today?
*This section invites "big picture" thinking. Keep an eternal perspective. Don't be brought up short or waylaid by little difficulties or fears. See to the state of your heart. See that it would resonate with the heart of Christ, overflowing with love. Keep reaching higher.

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