Atonement-Centered Scripture Study: I'm sharing my personal scripture study notes. My hope is that someone can find some benefit or inspiration, as I have. You won't find doctrinal precision, but you will find sincere efforts at understanding and a genuine focus on the Savior. With each chunk of Book of Mormon narrative, I've tried to ask, "What does this teach me about the atonement?" and then, "What's the lesson for me right now?" I've been rewarded with some precious realizations.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
3 Nephi 26
Friday, December 16, 2016
3 Nephi 25
3 Nephi 24
3 Nephi 23
3 Nephi 22
Saturday, December 10, 2016
3 Nephi 21
3 Nephi 20
Verses 1-9: A Second Sacrament
What does this teach me about the atonement?
This reinforces the lesson that the atonement saves us. This time the Savior produced bread and wine miraculously. So why did the Savior decide to miraculously produce a second sacrament? For what purpose? The symbolism is clear: the Savior provides every necessity of life. We can safely entrust ourselves to His care. But why wouldn't He perform the miracle the first time, and have the disciples get the bread and wine the second time- setting the pattern of what needs to continue during His absence?
Faith precedes the miracle. That's the answer. The people partook of the sacrament and were purified through faith, and then the Savior truly showed them that He would provide for them spiritually.
As He told them: "He that eateth this bread eateth of my body to his soul; and he that drinketh of this wine drinketh of my blood to his soul; and his soul shall never hunger nor thirst, but shall be filled." Soul food 😬🤓.
In actuality- food for the spirit. As we ritually remember Him, His spirit is with us, and we can have peace in this world of sorrows.
Lesson for me?
*These lessons are getting repetitive, but that's ok! It gets ever simpler and more profound. Just let go. Just fall at His feet and know that you are safe in His hands as you just keep going, doing all the good that occurs to you, one step at a time.
Verses 10-46: A Covenant People
What does this teach me about the atonement?
The Savior references His atonement in this section with these words:
26 The Father having raised me up unto you first, and sent me to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities; and this because ye are the children of the covenant
The atonement is what allows this turning from iniquity.
This section is very involved, and I don't have the knowledge to provide historical or anthropological interpretations. As I read His words, though, applying what I know about who He is, I feel the love in them.
Because He atoned for us, He has the power to hold a family reunion of His covenant people! As I imagine being in His presence, I sense the eagerness He has to gather His people in fatherly love.
He really is the gardener. He does everything possible to protect and preserve those strains of life who will let Him, and to minimize the proliferation of those who would destroy the seedlings who reach for Him. That's what this is all about.
Lesson for me?
*When you choose to do what you know isn't right for the sake of pleasure, ease, pride, etc., you are trading a priceless gemstone for an ice cream cone and changing from a blossom to a weed. You are resisting the refining influence of that gardener who would have you bloom into radiant magnificence and make you a part of everything joyous and beautiful. Don't do it.