Saturday, September 10, 2016

3 Nephi 10

1-6: Astonished silence, followed by more words of Christ
His beautiful speech points out what loving acts He has done for them, what He would have done for them if they had allowed it, and what He still plans to do for them if they repent.
The atonement gave the Savior the power to gather us under His wings as His chickens. It's a beautiful metaphor because it implies parenthood- which equates to raising  us up to be and to have everything He is and has. Without the atonement, we could never be worthy of that. We would be  condemned to stay outside His presence, unable to progress and hopelessly fallen.
*Remember the image of Christ as a hen gathering her chickens under her wings.  Cherish this image especially during times of pain or loneliness, as it reveals His desire to love, save and protect you. You can find comfort in this image.
7-14: Christ speaks of desolation and people are reminded of their loss.  The earth quiets and morning breaks.  The despair of those present turns to joy.
I see beautiful symbolism in this.  The very earth itself was healed and restored to light at His arrival.  That is the very effect of His atonement on humanity. The potential for global healing and light.
The desolation He spoke of was only a natural consequence of people turning from His light.
Lesson for me?
*Please remember that at any moment you repent and actively receive the Savior, your mourning and weeping can be turned into joy, and your Lamentations into praise. Your world, so to speak, can "cleave together again"  in your mind, and you can find healing and peace. This can happen as many times as you need it to.  The Savior will not give up on you if you do not give up on Him. 
Verses 14-19
These events are happening according to prophecy. Christ has always attempted to make His presence known to His beloved children- to warn them, to help them understand, to save them. Prophets have heeded His call through the ages and attempted to help people see events in terms of the great Plan of Salvation. Now the words of prophets are being verified as the atoning Lord appears.  Having performed His infinite, atoning, saving work, He made it His mission to publicize it, so that all His children could look to it, and Him, and be saved. The only means of true knowledge of Him is through the Spirit- communicating from one heart to another.
Lesson for me?
*All truth can be circumscribed into one great whole.  In this section, readers are asked to search the scriptures to verify these events against what prophets have already said.  Keep in mind how the Lord has structured His church and the pattern of revelation He established.  Look to the prophets, especially the current one, and feel the Spirit as he speaks.  

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