Saturday, September 10, 2016

3 Nephi 13

Verses 1-6
Not calling attention to your "righteous deeds"
Here, the Savior lovingly tries to prevent us from losing our way due to vanity and pride. The atonement had to cover these sins as well.  Which way do you face?  We want our lights to shine, and for others to see our good works and glorify Father in Heaven.  That is the key.  The problem with trying to gain glory of men, is that what men value is not always good.  We will lose our footing in the shifting sands of popular opinion.  But as we seek, as the Savior did, to glorify the Father, we'll be on stable ground. 
Lesson for me?
*Keep focusing on the atonement, and trying, in gratitude, to further Christ's mission.  When thoughts of impressing, or fears of displeasing, others arise, just redirect your thoughts back to glorifying God and Christ. Remember that the Savior loves them and you.
Verses 7-15: 
The Savior teaches the Nephites not to get caught up in the sound of their own voice, but to use a simple form of prayer full of praise, submission and supplication.  This prayer teaches humility and promotes peace. It characterizes the Savior's attitude in performing the atonement: "Thy will be done," "Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever".  Promotion of peace comes through this all important line, "as we forgive our debtors".  This has everything to do with Christ's atonement- His sacrifice made possible our escape from resentment and justice- seeking- as He fulfilled the demands of justice.  Knowing that Christ suffered all, and yet was innocent of all, helps us let go of our grudges. This doctrine is so beautiful.
*When you feel self-pity, injustice, resentment or bitterness, remember the Savior: suffering the Father's will, asking the Father's forgiveness, on the cross, for those who "know not what they do," and inviting the whole multitude, one by one, to examine and verify the marks of his execution- his sacrifice. 
Verses 16-18: Fasting (Refer to verses 1-6- not calling attention to your "righteous deeds"- same principle.) Don't look for security in the opinions of others.
Verses 19-24: Treasures and Light
Christ invites us to put out emphasis on eternity as He has. He has suffered to provide us eternity's riches. The idea of us wasting our strength in worthless ends pains Him on our behalf.  He wants the best for us. I've never fully understood these next verses about the light in he eye. Let's see what comes to me. The eye is used to symbolize attention or focus. Makes sense. If you place your  entire focus on Christ and His light, it will radiate your whole being. But HOW GREAT is the contrast if you place your focus elsewhere! I see a relationship now between verses 19-21 and verses 22-24.  They are all about where we place our emphasis/attention: that which endures versus that which fails and corrodes.  Christ has experienced ALL PAIN and has full, harrowing knowledge of its sources. Everything He says is calculated to save us from needless suffering.
*Trust Christ and believe His message. Don't invest your emotional energy in the transitory any more than necessary. Emphasize that which endures and heartache will usually be fleeting. "Mammon" refers to wealth or possessions with a debasing influence.  You can't fully serve God if your true emphasis is on wealth.
Verses 25-34: Putting Your Life in the Hands of God
What do these words of the Savior teach me about the atonement?
Here, the Savior is asking us to remember the power that Christ acquired through the atonement- the enabling power He has to bless our lives, which is called grace. He does not ask us not to labor, but rather never to doubt His power to save us both temporally and spiritually.  He's telling us, "Look at the glory of the lilies of the field- look how they are cared for. So will you be, my child, as you trust in me. By subjecting himself to all, while maintaining his integrity, He subjected all nature to Him. All life is in His hands. We are His grandest creations- blessed with a will- which He tenderly invites us to lay at His feet- and to always be cared for.
*As you remain in the covenant, acknowledge your weakness and try to repent, grace will go with you and everything will work out. Never doubt His power to save you both temporally and spiritually. 

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