Tuesday, September 20, 2016

3 Nephi 14, Verses 13-27

Verses 13-14: Strait and Narrow
Once again, Christ knows how broad the path of destruction is, having felt the turmoil of every soul who walked that path. (I know that He said these same words in His mortal life, prior to the atonement, but I still can't help but feel that there's something to this, and that somehow He had access to that knowledge even then. There's so much I don't understand.)  
Few find the path, the way "which leadeth unto life (a continuation of life)?"
If Christ is indeed saying that the majority of people won't find Him (the way), it increases my gratitude to Him for being willing to perform the atonement for the few who would accept it. Such a generous act. I believe also that the strait gate and narrow way is meant to point to Himself- to focus attention on the singularity of His person as the one way to be saved. He's like the single vortex of the spiritual universe. He absorbed all evil and thus became the portal for all light and goodness. He is the way, the truth and the light.

Lesson for me?
*Remember this image you've found and keep your eye single to His infinite glory.

Verses 15-20: Fruits
Beware of false prophets, wolves in sheep's clothing, manipulators trying to appear noble. Look at what they've done with their lives. By their fruits ye shall know them.
What does this passage reveal about the atonement?
The Savior felt the full force of every evil act, including the insidious ways evil often masquerades as good.  He wanted to offer some guidance to prevent suffering.  He also wanted us to have a gauge of our righteousness- to know that worship alone does not make us His- but the acts of doing good and keeping His commandments.

Lesson for me?
*Stay strong in your relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and keep their will paramount. Remember, all the while, that any and all injustice is known and settled by our all-wise, all-knowing and all loving Godhead. No need to fret about being taken advantage of. Just do what you can as directed by the Spirit. Be not afraid, only believe.

Verses 21-27: Obedience
What does this section teach me about the atonement? 

Our Savior makes the point that discipleship must encompass the heart as well as outward actions.  Anyone trying to appear worthy, with secret contentious thoughts, would not find heaven heavenly at all (to borrow a Brad Wilcox turn of phrase).  We must not only do that which makes us feel and/or appear good or important, but whatever the Father's will is- even when it conflicts with ours. Only he or she who has voluntarily paid the uttermost farthing in carrying out the will of the Father will truly know and trust Christ and the Father enough to want to make a home in their presence.  Christ's "Depart from me," will seem a mercy.
Christ and His atonement is the only source of power in the universe solid enough for us to build a foundation on.  He is our single source of strength and power.  Everything else will erode and falter.  He provided us the key to eternal life- an eternity of the best life has to offer.  He truly is, as Moroni writes, "every good thing," for every good thing is subject to Him and in alliance with Him and on "His team".  That is why turning from Him and doing anything other than what He asks amounts to building a house on the sand.  This metaphor has never felt more resonant before now.

Lesson for me?
*As you do all in your power to work the Lord's program and build confidence before Him, you have no reason to despair or fear or feel sorry for yourself.  Every toilsome act will bear some kind of beautiful fruit in the end. You are building on THE ROCK.

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