Thursday, February 16, 2017

3 Nephi 28

Verses 1-12: Disciples' Desires 
Nine of the twelve desire to be saved at death, and the other three desire to stay and work for the salvation of people on earth for as long as the earth shall stand.  Jesus discerns their desires and fulfills them.

How does this relate to the atonement?
The atonement is what inspires and 
fulfills their desires.  It saves the nine, and allows the three to further emulate the Savior!  The great love that wrought it transforms the lives of its beneficiaries.

Lesson for me?
*The Savior also knows your desires better than you do.  I don't know if I would choose as the three did. I don't know if I have the endurance. But I know I desire to have that desire and that's a start.  Love is the best feeling ever, and the Savior's is the surest path to it.  Try to live as if you love the Savior enough to work ten lifetimes spreading His message.

Verses 13-40: The Three Nephites

The three disciples who choose to tarry undergo a transfiguration of sorts, that allows them to survive until the Savior's second coming.  Their work is described, as well as their miraculous avoidances of imprisonment and death.

How does this relate to the atonement? 
This has everything to do with Christ's atonement, because that's what made it possible for Him to guide us all from a fallen mortal state to that of Gods.  In a special instructive anomaly, we see in the 3 Nephites' story a "turbocharged" version of the destiny that's possible for each of us: to join Christ in His mission, receive power over death and the elements and eventually gain all that He hath.

Lesson for me?
*As you do everything in your power to follow the Savior, know that you are subject to a similar destiny (if not the same timing and specifics). You will also achieve immortality and eternal life.

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