Monday, February 20, 2017

4 Nephi 1

4 Nephi 1
Verses 1-49: The Cycle

This chapter tells the story not only of every Book of Mormon people, but everyone:
The people believe, are happy, and prosper. Then they become attached to their possessions and deceive themselves into unbelief.
The cycle is incomplete in this chapter, because the next part is some form of disaster that brings them to repentance. But this chapter does display the rapid decline following prosperity.

Before I get to my usual question, I want to ask this:
If the effect of Christ's appearance and direct teaching is that all of the people live in love, peace and harmony all the way until the maturation of the next generation, why wouldn't He provide that boon to every generation? In other words, why were those people so favored, and can the people who didn't meet Him personally be expected to adhere to the same standards?

I'm misunderstanding the situation. Many or most of the people who encountered the Savior in His mortal life didn't believe Him.
In the case of this appearance, the whole land had been previously prepared, through natural disaster, and hence consisted only of the society's most faithful souls. Yes, these people had an advantage, but it was really brought about through their faith. I'll not question the Savior's methods and motives any further here. The main point to take away from this is that following the Savior brings peace, happiness and prosperity.

What does this teach me about the atonement?
This teaches me (again) that the Savior atoned for us so we could enjoy peace, happiness and every good thing with the people we love.

Lesson for me?
*This is what it's all about! This is the society you want to be a part of, which you eventually WILL be a part of if you stay true.
Believe in the Savior, be humble, love everyone, give everything, withhold nothing.

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