Saturday, February 18, 2017

3 Nephi 29

Verses 1-9: He Remembers His Covenant 
How does this relate to the atonement?
This is part of the mission of salvation wrought by the atonement.
But why the Jews? I'm sure there are many reasons I don't know or understand at this time, but it can be said, simply that they heard Him and made covenants with Him. Any of us who do the same become the covenant people He speaks of. 

Lesson for me?
The sense I get as I read, is that I'm being asked to adopt a perspective much higher and broader than my own- to trust in timing that seems never to come, and promises that I couldn't imagine- just as I ask my children to do.
So... there is a plan out there much grander than your puny mind can conceive of.  You've experienced enough to trust in it and believe in it- even when your little problems get you down. Remember your new motto: Keep reaching higher!

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